Through 's Keyhole - Group Exhibition, Raab Galerie Berlin/Germany (with Hermann Albert, Elvira Bach, Rosa von Praunheim, El Biocho, Stephanus Heidacker, Nuno Raminhos, Torsten Schlüter, Harald Klemm and others)
From the Far East - Group Exhibition, Raab Galerie Berlin/Germany (with hen Shubin, Harald Klemm, Zhang Jing, Nina Maron, Zhao Hai, Karoline Kroiss, Mari Kim, Astrid Köhler,Ewen Gur, FradeMo, Eliot, Dr. John Zhou, El Bocho, Yang Zhang, Paul Sous)
Affordable Artfair Hamburg - Group Stand singulart (with Thomas Kitzinger, Maxim Fomenko, John Clark and Alexandre Delamadeleine)
Silence of Colors - Group
Exhibition, Raab Gallery, Berlin/ Germany (with Thomas Baumgärtel, El Bocho, G.v. Dülmen, Rainer Fetting, Klaus Fussmann, Hubertus Giebe, Ewen Gur, G.v. Hirschheydt, Rolf Händler, Mari Kim, Harald Klemm, Astrid Köhler, Martin Krammer, Karl Lagerfeld, Elisabeth Lagqaffe, Markus Lüpertz, Nina Maron, F.d.Molfetta, Michael Pflästerer, Torsten Schlüter, Thomas Schindler, Hans Martin Sewcz, Timo Stammberger, KP Vellguth,
Circus - Group Exhibition, JR Gallery, Berlin/ Germany (with Thomas Baumgärtel El Bocho Eliot Volker Führer Hubertus Giebe Ewen Gur Stephanus Heidacker Gustav v. Hirschheydt . Karl Horst Hödicke Harald Klemm Astrid Köhler Nina Maron Francesco De Molfetta Rosa von Praunheim Nuno Raminhos Torsten Schlüter Thomas Schindler Paul Sous Daniel Maria Thurau)
Thank you for the music - group exhibition, Raab Galerie, Berlin/ Germany (with Thomas Baumgärtel, Christian Broecking, El Bocho, Rainer Fetting, Volker Führer, Ewen Gur, Hannes Heiner, Gustav von Hirschheydt, Mari Kim, Harald Klemm, Astrid Köhler, Martin Krammer, Nina Maron, Francesco de Molfetta, Michael Pflästerer, Nuno Raminhos, Torsten Schlüter, Paul Sous, Donald Sultan, Elisabeth Wolf)
Gold Geld Luxury Man - Group Exhibition, Kunstverein sans titre, Potsdam/Germany (with Lothar Böhme, Rainer Fetting, Horst Janssen, Kurt Mühlenhaupt, Michael Müller, Wolfgang Petrick, Rebecca Raue, Joachim Schtaumet and others).
In the Realm of Water - Group Exhibition, Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth, Bodenburg/ Germany (with Mirek Abramowicz, ANATOL, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas Baumgärtel, Louise Bourgeois, Christo, Charles Darwin, Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Harald Klemm, Martin Luther, Thales von Milet, Henry Miller, Sigrid Nienstedt, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Nuno Rahminhos, Hubert Reeves, Klaus Rinke, Salomé, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Richard Serra, Klaus Staeck, Timm Ulrichs
Holiday - Group Exhibition, Raab Gallery, Berlin/ Germany
Flowers - Group Exhibition, Raab Gallery, Berlin/ Germany
Summer Light - Group Exhibition, Raab Gallery, Berlin/Germany
Drawn - dessiné - Group Exhibition, Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth, Bodenburg/ Germany (with Michael Badura, Bernhard Blume, Tony Cragg, Hans-Jürgen Diehl, Rainer Fetting, Karl Otto Götz, Wolf Vostell and others)
Raab Gallery, Berlin/ Germany
But tomorrow everything will be more beautiful - solo exhibition, Galerie Palz, Saarlouis/ Germany
The dream of flying - group exhibition, Raab Galerie, Berlin/ Germany
Holz - Group exhibition, Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth, Bodenburg/ Germany
At the end everything will be fine - solo exhibition, Kunsthaus Klüber, Weinheim/ Germany
Identity - group exhibition, K-Salon, Berlin/ Germany (with Jennifer Baumeister, Burghild Eichheim, Gottfried Schwemme)
Solo exhibition Karoline Kroiß, Raab Gallery, Berlin/ Germany
The red thread exhibition Raab Galerie, Berlin/ Germany
Karoline Kroiß - Solo Exhibition, Kunsthaus Schill, Stuttgart/ Germany
was sleeps - Group Exhibition, Syker Vorwerk, Syke/ Germany (with Virgile Novarina, Astrid Nippoldt, Lieselot IJsendoorn, Maria Leena Räihälä, Reynold Reynolds, Thea Herold, Simone Farner, Paul Dickinson, Kerstin Drobek, Norbert Bauer, Christian Holtmann, Claudia Medeiros Cardoso)