John McCartin


Woodside, South Australia

John McCartin has been catapulted from relative obscurity to international acclaim as one of the world’s finest artists. Since he entered an international art competition for the first time in 2011 and winning 1st prize from thousands of entries, he has received close to 100 international art awards and is now publicly acknowledged as a master artist by many of the world’s leading artists and galleries.

In 2014 John was hand-picked from those considered to be the best fine artists working in the world today to become an exhibiting member of the Art Guild ‘Master painters of the world’John displayed a marked natural talent for drawing as a boy, commencing painting as a hobby at age twenty. With no formal art background, he has continued to develop his craft through a deep study of the work of a great many artists, past and present and is able to work effectively in most mediums across every genre of classical fine art.

 Visually striking and convincing representations of the real thing, his works have great beauty and intense realism, designed to stir the heart and lift the soul. He uses colour and tone to create a powerful illusion of space, light and atmosphere. This, combined with John's keen powers of observation, superb drawing skill and passionate response to an inexhaustible array of subjects, sets him apart from most other artists.

Mr McCartins works can be found in many private and corporate collections worldwide.

“The aim of each work is to make an emotional connection between the viewer and the subject. No explanation is needed. Neither is there any artistic knowledge required so that even a young child can appreciate it. The viewer often remarks about the illusion of light held within the painting itself and a sense of peace. His hope is that the viewer will begin to see the world through fresh eyes. Taking time to smell the roses, to see beauty in simple things, to discover afresh, The wonder of creation.”

