Douglas Argüelles Cruz

Exhibitions (Solo)


Reveal. The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum, FIU, Miami, Florida, United States.

Momentum. Havana Gallerie, Zürich, Suiza.

A Hunger Artist. Galería Habana. Havana. Cuba.


Surface. Galería Villa Manuela, Havana, Cuba.


The Eskimos have no poetry. Collateral to the X Biennial Havana. Galería La Casona. Havana, Cuba.


Physiognomy of silence. Galería La Luz. Merida, México.


Goldberg Variations. Galería La Casona. Havana, Cuba.


Desafio. performance at “Action Experience: 30 days” (DIP), 8th Art Biennial of Havana, Cuba.


Utopia. Thesis- Presentation and discussion. Academia San Alejandro. Havana, Cuba.

Exhibitions (Group)


Adrenaline No. 1. 25 Kent Ave Wallplay. january- february. Brooklym. NY.


The Beirut Art Fair. South Border Gallery & Abroyan Factory, Beirut , Lebanon.

Cuba in Columbus. Brandt-Roberts Galleries. Columbus, Ohio, United States.


kindred spirits. Ten artist by the Hudson. Coral Gables Museum. Miami. FL

On the Horizon: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection. The third

chapter of this exhibition, Domestic Anxieties. PAMM. Peréz Art Museum of Miami. Miami, FL.


Blank space. Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura, Havana, Cuba


A Sense of Place from The Jorge M. Pérez Collection. Mana Wynwood Convention Center,

Miami, Florida


HB. 10 th Art Biennial of Havana, Cuba.

Lo indecible. Galería Habana. Havana. Cuba.

Gulliver. Freies Museum Berlin. Potsdamer Str 91, 10785 Berlin.


Daiquiri sin azucar. Galería Habana. Havana. Cuba.

Estrictamente impersonal. Collateral XI Havana Biennial. Morro-Cabaña. May 11 to June 11.

Havana. Cuba.

Parcela. Collateral XI Havana Biennial. El Trasgu Gallery. Asturian Federation of Cuba. May 10

to 28 June. Havana. Cuba.

HB. PABEXPO Cuban Contemporary Art. 9-25 May. Havana. Cuba.


Pinta. Latin American Art Fair. New York. United States.

Ninart-Havana. Exhibition Space 08. Asturian Center. Havana. Cuba.

Art-Position. Eleventh Contemporary Art Festival, Bern, Switzerland.

YA se leer. Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wilfredo Lam. Havana, Cuba.


Serendipity. Pavilion East. Portugal Art 10, First Biennial. Lisboa, Portugal.

Pieza única. Delegación Príncipe de Asturias. Madrid, Spain.

Monomania. Galería Habana. Havana, Cuba.


First International Festival of Contemporary Art of Algeria. National Museum of Modern and

Contemporary Art, Algeria (MAMA).

Confluencias inside II. NHHC Art Museum, Albuquerque. New Mexico, United States.

Topologías. Galería Excelencia. Madrid, Spain.

From the Biennial. Connection with the Tenth Havana Biennial. Havana Gallery. Zurich, Switzerland.

Preview, 08 Space. Collateral to the Tenth Havana Biennial, Cuba.

V Salón de Arte Cubano Contemporaneo. Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales (CDAV).

Havana, Cuba.

Contemporary Art from Cuba. The Honor City Hall, Nuremberg, Sala Lam, Diplomatic Office in

Bonn, Germany.


Embedded, 08 Space. St. Francis Convent. Havana, Cuba.

Kunst, 08 Space. Hispano-American Cultural Center. Havana, Cuba.


ARTH-GOTH. Casona Gallery. Havana, Cuba. 2006

El falso añadido. Eberhard Schlotter Foundation. Alicante, Altea, Spain.

Trans-it. Development Center for the Visual, Arts (CDAV). Havana, Cuba. 2005

Update & download. Mexico House "Benito Juarez". Havana, Cuba.

46th Annual Arts and Art Riverwood Show. Chicago, Illinois, USA.


A is B. Between Art and Science. Galería Habana. Havana, Cuba.


Double Seduction. Video on demand of Cuban artists. Departamento de Intervenciones

Públicas, (DIP). Amadis Room. Madrid, Spain.

Common Sense. Departamento de Intervenciones Públicas, (DIP). Galería Habana. Havana, Cuba.

XIV Salón de la Ciudad. Centro provincial de Artes y Diseño. Havana, Cuba.

Immersed in time. Cultural Center of Spain in Cuba. Havana, Cuba.


Living space I. Departamento de Intervenciones Públicas, (DIP). Malecón, Havana, Cuba.

Living space II. A direct attention to the object. Departamento de Intervenciones Públicas,

(DIP). Semana de Arte Joven. Santa Clara, Cuba.


Llega y pon. Collateral to III Salon de Arte Cubano Contemporaneo. Higher Institute of Art. Havana, Cuba.

Desasosiego. Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, (CDAV). Havana, Cuba.


HAVANA-ISA-CLUB. Higher Institute of Art, Seventh Biennial of Havana, Cuba.

Works with the department of interventions - DIP


Member of the Organizing Committee of Action Experience: 30 days. Public interventions

event, the VIII Havana Biennial/ Defiance, intervention in the firehouse of Old Havana / See

where others look II, X Romerías de mayo, Holguín / See where others look, National Arts

Colloquium, Matanzas / Participation in Errata, Nelson Mulet. XII International Book Fair. La

Cabaña, Havana, Cuba. 2002 / Participation in The Journal of Heidi Garcia, Havana /

Participation in 8 hours, Tatiana Mesa and Maria Victoria Portelles. Havana /Participation in

The drama of becoming another: Paranoia, of L.CONDUCT-A-RT, Obispo street, Havana /

Participation in From north to south and from south to north, Maria Victoria Portelles, North

Coast, South Coast: travel. Havana / Dock (collective action), South Coast, Havana /

Participation in 50 chairs, Fidel E. Alvarez and L.CONDUCT-ART, Central Park, Havana /

Participation in Fraternity, Humberto Diaz, Fraternity Park, Havana / Founding member of the

Department of Public Interventions.

Lectures Delivered


Panel: Spaces, participation and legitimation, art opportunities, creating young, mass media, alternative media,

marginality, Casa de las Americas. Havana.

Conference: 08 Space. Coffee Arteamérica, Casa de las Americas. During the X Biennial of Havana, Cuba.


Theoretical Event: Experience of action: 30 days, VIII Havana Biennial, Higher Institute of Art. Havana, Cuba.

Awards and Fellowships


Residency Unlimited. Cuban Artist Fund. New York, United States.


Personal exhibition, "Goldberg Variations”. Mention of curators. Curatorial National Prize.

Residence Batiscafo. Triangle Art Trust and Gasworks of England in the Havana.


Premio del Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales. XIV Salón de la ciudad, Havana, Cuba.


- Pérez Art Museum. Miami, PAMM, Florida, USA.

- Valdes-Fauli / Boren Collection, Miami, Florida, United States.

- Galila Barzalai Collection. Belgium.

- Museo de Bellas Artes de la Habana.

- Genesis Collection. Havana, Cuba.

- Ron Brasch Collection. Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. United States.

- Marc Le Baron, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.

- Jennifer & Veit Wagner, Zurich, Suiza.

- Amy Dean & Alan Kluger Collection. Florida, United States.

- Leslie & Russ Robinson Collection. Florida, United States.

- Nina Menocal Collection. D.F., Mexico. - Mayi Martinez Collection. D.F. México.

- Lincoln & Damian Fontanills collection, Florida, United States.

- Carmen Barone Collection. D.F. Mexico.

- Havana Galerie Collection. Beatrice Liaskowski. Zurich, Switzerland.

- Andreas Winkler Collection. Havana, Cuba / Zurich, Switzerland.

- Armando Manuel de Lima Amorim Soares Collection, Havana / Portugal.

- Mauricio Mello Collection. Sao Paulo. Brazil.


Residency Unlimited 2018 giant silence

Orlando Victores Gattorno / 28 May, 2015.

Reveal / Revelar 2015 at the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum FIU

Revelar: Tres jóvenes artistas cubanos en el FROST. Batet, Janet.

Cuba Contemporary Art. Ceiba Publications LTD. 2012.

08 Espacio de experimentación visual. Cúpulas Editions. 2010. ISA, Universidad de las Artes. La Habana, Cuba.

Pieza Unica. Contemporary Cuban Art. Catalog of the exhibition in Madrid, Spain. 2010. Editing Elvia Rosa Castro.

“Sembrando Tulipanes”. Fernandez Frency. Arte Cubano Magazine, 2/2009, p. 96-100

”Confluences Incide”. Contemporary Cuban Art. 2nd Edition. National Hispanic Cultural

Center. Editing Elvia Rosa Castro and Cuban production, Juanito Visual Art 2009.

"Pintura Embedded". Hernandez, Agnieszka. Boletin digital, Galería Geneisis No 0, 2008. Havana. Cuba.

“Razones de lo invisible”. Cabrera Salort, Ramón. Embedded Catalogue, October, 2008.

"Interview Espacio 08". Hernandez, Isabel. Noticias de Arte Cubano 10/08, December 2008.

Caballero, Rufo: What are you getting Cuban art?. Juventud Rebelde newspaper, 27 December, 2008.

“Un proyecto que creció al compartir”, Cabrera Salort, Ramón., accessed in July, 2007.

"A benefit of the viewer”. Matamoros, Corina. Douglas Arguelles BWV 988"

catalog Goldberg Variations, Havana, 2007.

"Asfixia". Fernandez, Frency. Tabloid Noticias de Arte Cubano, # 11, year 6, OctoberNovember, 2005, p 5.

"Art after Art?". Anton Castillo, Hector. Tabloide Noticias de Arte Cubano, # 5, Year 5, MayJune 2004, p. 9.

Laboratorio de metáforas y convite de imágenes". Correa, Antonio. Pensamiento Complejo, 2004.

"Towards a new dimension of entertainment". Lopez, Delilah. Magazine Arte Cubano, Havana, 1 / 2004,

p. 10-11 (Dossier).

"La probable cita". Hernandez, Agnieszka. La Gaceta de Cuba, No. 4, July- August 2004, p.

P .57-58.

"The 8th Havana Biennial: Two perspectives on two collaborations". Papararo, Jenifer and

Demkiw, Janis. C magazine, International Contemporary Art Issue # 80, Canada, Winter 2004,

p. 26-29.

Gopnik, Blake, "In Havana, an Air of Possibility", in Washington Post Staff writer, november 16, 2003.

"A biennial encrypted in hope". Rodriguez, Hilda Mary. Eighth Havana Biennial, 2003 (Special Bulletin).

“Departamento De Intervenciones Públicas”. Tabloide Noticias de Arte Cubano, # 8, year 3, August 2002, p. 3.