Catherine Timotei
Kalliste, Corsica
Catherine Timotei born in a tiny hamlet hidden in the mountains of the granite island of Corsica, called Kallisté by the grecs as the most beautiful island of the Mediterranean sea; where European art is rooted in the Neolithic era of an authentic culture, of which the essentials values are respect for human rights.
A talented French artist who lives between Corsica, France and South Africa, Her work has featured in top exhibitions. Inspired by her European cultural heritage and the great abstract expressionists, she composes vibrant works that investigate ideas of consciousness, transcendentalism and human experience.
Catherine Timotei uses color to undo form, to create emotion and touch the human soul. “Color holds a prominent place in the series of primordial phenomena. This is why the color as element of art may be used and can collaborate for the highest aesthetics purpose”,